Transit Rider Quality of Service

How well does the transportation network serve automobile and transit travel?

Transit quality of service evaluates how well a transportation facility is served by transit. 

Transit Quality of Service

  • What? Transit Quality of Service (QOS) can be evaluated using several different metrics that include measures of frequency, access to destinations by transit, and transit’s ability to be time-competitive with travel by private vehicle.
  • Why? Providing frequent, fast service that connects transit riders to their destinations encourages people to use transit.
  • Where? This metric can be applied at a corridor or subarea level of analysis, typically in urban, town center, and suburban locations.
  • How? For rural and suburban contexts and area-level analysis, the Transit Availability & Connectivity and Major Destinations Accessible metrics are most appropriate. For urban corridor analysis, the ratio of transit travel time to auto travel time is relevant. This ratio can be calculated using the Travel time (speed) metric, which be applied to both transit and autos.

Alternatively, analysts can compare transit accessibility to auto accessibility using the Transit mode shift potential tool in Cube Access.

Transit Rider Quality of ServiceTransit Availability & Connectivity: Level of transit service provided

Major Destination Accessible: Usefulness of transit to reach destinations

Travel time (speed): Compare efficiency of transit to auto travel on the same corridor