
Mobility is one of the three categories of performance measures identified in the Economic Vitality Performance Framework. These categories specify how WSDOT seeks to achieve Washington State’s desired economic vitality outcome: To promote and develop transportation systems that stimulate, support, and enhance the movement of people and goods to ensure a prosperous economy.

Although WSDOT identifies Mobility as a separate goal from Economic Vitality, mobility and access are important to maintaining and promoting economic vitality. Transportation investments provide mobility and access that are essential for maintaining and expanding existing businesses and supporting quality of life for Washington residents. Based on extensive feedback from stakeholders during the development of the Economic Vitality performance measures, mobility is defined as “access to work and non-work destinations by multiple transportation modes.”

Access to work and non-work destinations are evaluated using performance measures in the Mobility Performance Framework. To avoid double-counting the effects of transportation investments, the mobility-related aspects of Economic Vitality should be evaluated using the following performance metrics: