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Project or Program Context

The Design Manual revision to Chapter 1102 includes specific provisions for a roadway’s land use context:

Context refers to the environmental, economic, and social features that influence livability and travel characteristics. Context characteristics provide insight into the activities, functions, and performance that can be reinforced by the roadway design. Context informs roadway design, including the selection of design controls, such as target speed and modal priority, and other design decisions. Read more…

For purposes of the MPF, land use context is the most applicable tool to stratify the MPF measures and metrics. Chapter 1102.02(1) describes the land use context categories in detail. These four categories, adapted from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program project 15-52 final report (Developing a Context-Sensitive Classification System for More Flexibility in Geometric Design) represent distinctive land use environments beyond simply “rural” and “urban” to help determine a more accurate context.

The four land use categories are: