Multimodal Accessibility

Multimodal accessibility is defined as ease of reaching destinations (e.g. jobs, services, schools, ports) from a specific location by different travel modes. This includes the ease of bringing services to the community, such as food banks/markets, libraries or classrooms, and medical, dental, social, and mental health services. The equity of accessibility can also be evaluated based on the socioeconomic characteristics of each location.

Multimodal accessibility supports WSDOT’s Economic Vitality and Environment goals as well as its Mobility goal. Multimodal transportation networks support access to jobs and services, encourage walking and biking for improved health, and enhance overall quality of life. The Economic Vitality Performance Framework uses the Major Destinations Accessible performance measure to evaluate the effects of  transportation investments on an area’s economic potential. Providing transportation options that generate low or no greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants, such as transit service, bicycle facilities, and pedestrian facilities, aligns with WSDOT’s goal of conserving energy and protecting the environment.

While the focus of this framework is on how transportation can maintain or improve accessibility, changing land use is another powerful tool to bring people closer to the destinations that are important to them. Working closely with local agencies can help ensure the right land use/transportation mix within a subarea or along a corridor.

This category includes four performance measures: