The Develop Funded Solutions phase, often known as “Design” when solutions involve capital investment, requires close coordination between the design and construction disciplines and the project development activities.
The 2015 WSDOT Design Manual update and the procedures identified in the 1100 Chapter Series, provide guidance for how to accomplish practical design, including identifying needs related to performance and designing to context. A practical design approach focuses on specific project needs and responds to technological and societal changes that affect demands on the transportation system. More information about WSDOT’s practical design approach can be found on WSDOT’s Practical Solutions website here.
Developing funded solutions applies to certain performance measures and metrics in the Mobility Performance Framework, as summarized in the linked table below. Note that not all funded solutions are primarily focused on improving mobility. Additional performance measures and metrics will be developed to evaluate how WSDOT projects advance WSDOT’s goals around the environment, preservation, safety, and stewardship.