Other Tools

Many tools can be used to evaluate performance measures in the Practical Solutions Performance Framework. Some of these tools are presented briefly below, along with links to resources that provide more information about them.

UA GIS Value Added Tool

Researchers from the University of Arizona worked with Smart Growth America to develop a tool to estimate the effects of transportation projects on land values. This GIS-based tool compares the effects of two or more project alternatives on commercial and residential land values (evaluated at the Census block group level).

The tool and supporting documentation can be used to evaluate the following performance measures:


OnTheMap is an online mapping and reporting application located at http://onthemap.ces.census.gov/ that was developed through a unique partnership between the U.S. Census Bureau and its Local Employment Dynamics (LED) partner states. The software uses the US Census’ Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamic (LEHD), Origin Destination Employment Statics (LODES) to describe the geographic patterns of jobs of employment and residential locations and gives the user the power to explore the local connection between the two.

OnTheMap provides an interface for creating, viewing, printing, and downloading workforce related maps, profiles, and underlying data. An interactive map viewer displays workplace and residential distributions by user-defined geographies at census block level detail. This flexibility allows for a variety of use cases, including emergency planning, transportation planning, site location, and economic development. The application also provides companion reports on worker and firm characteristics, employment and residential area comparisons, worker flows, and commuting patterns. In OnTheMap, statistics can be generated for specific segments of the workforce, including ages, earnings, or industry groupings.

Source: “OnTheMap Local Employment Dynamics”, http://lehd.ces.census.gov/doc/help/onthemap/OnTheMapOnePager.pdf

EJ Screen

WSDOT’s Environmental Justice web page has detailed guidance on how to collect and assess demographic data utilizing EJScreen. EJScreen is a tool developed and maintained by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to determine the demographics of your project area. It uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the American Community Survey to calculate demographic data through a geospatial map interface. Information from the demographic analysis can help project teams ensure that all the voices in your community are considered as you seek solutions to transportation needs.

WSDOT Community Planning Portal

The WSDOT Community Planning Portal provides access to state transportation data for general planning purposes. The intent of the portal is to help local and regional planners, decision-makers, and citizens better understand the state transportation system.

A quick start guide, overview materials, and instructional videos can be found at: https://www.wsdot.wa.gov/planning/community/CommunityPlanningPortal.htm